Tar Tunnel tour

The Tar Tunnel is part of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust and is a must see attraction when in the Coalbrookdale area; the Tar Tunnel was originally planned as an underground narrow-gauge railway to transport rocks between the Coalport Canal and the River Severn without going across uneven roads; while the tunnel was being mined out in 1787, a natural bitumen stream was tapped into; this was used to waterproof ropes and 'caulk' ships along with being marketed as 'Betton's British Oil'; a health remedy!

Find out more about the Tar Tunnel here!

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A china model house for sale in the Coalport China Museum's shop 'Hay Inclined Plane' that transferred carts from the Shropshire Canal onto the Coalport Canal

The bridge over the Hay Inclined Plane

Looking down the Tar Tunnel; unfortunately its currently unsafe to walk down the tunnel due to poisonous gases being detected

Rusty narrow-gauge wagons I remember being able to walk down the tunnel
Entrance to the Tar Tunnel Ducks on a floating duck house